A defense department agency (Owner) received multiple Requests for Equitable Adjustment (REA’s) related to a design-build contract for an advanced water tunnel facility allowing analysis of ship performance using a stationary model. We assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the REAs, and exposed serious flaws in the General Contractor's delay claims. The REAs were negotiated to the Owner’s benefit after the Expert Report was issued.
Project Management services were provided to the Owner for the renovation of the existing 11 story City Hall, as well as construction of a new 4 story addition. This included planning, scheduling, estimating, budgeting, and contract administration from design through occupancy. Monitoring of project progress, conducting progress meetings, and reviewing contractor payment and change order requests was also required.
OFFICE (High Rise)
Assistance was provided to one of the Insureds related to property damage at one of the World Financial Center (WFC) buildings (a 750 foot tall 51 floor tower) caused by the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers. Assistance was provided to Counsel, including the development of the repair contracts and establishing enhanced cost controls so that the final claim would be acceptable to the Insurers.
DMCG’s staff has experience in design and construction of most building types both nationally and internationally.
We have a seasoned staff with extensive experience on active projects, surety defaults, and forensic analysis.
We have project experience on over 17 projects, Surety default experience on over 90 projects and forensic experience on over 38 projects.
City Hall
Office ( High Rise)